Friday, 11 January 2013

Feedback and changes

We posted our piece on a social networking site in order to get some feedback on our piece. This is what a few of our friends said about our film opening. The feedback contains positive and improvements.
As you can see the things that people liked were the shots and the fact you can tell it's a dream sequence. They liked how the credits blendid in so well, which is exactly how we wanted it to be so they don't distract the viewer from the shots and actual film opening. Some of the improvements were to have conversation, which I agree with and would include if I were to do the filming again.
[Our film is not called Morals anymore, but the film is still the same. It is now called Elapsed in Time as this relates more to the storyline. We chose to change the name from peer feedback in the class.]

This is what the film title originally was, however we decided to change it as we got feedback saying that it doesn't relate to the film enough. Also the font of the title appears to look quite vintage and medieval, which doesn't reflect the film opening. Therefore we chose to change it to a more modern font as well as a different title.

This is the font and title we used, as you can see the font is a lot more contemporary and modernised which suits the style of the film as it is set in the 21st century. We then got some feedback from the class to see if they thought this font was better, and they all said they did think it was a big improvement.  

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