We decided to come up with a questionnaire so we could find out our target audience. We did this as we thought this is the best way to pin point exactly who would be the most interested in our film. The first two questions are 'what is your age group?' and 'what is your gender?' These two questions will find out more about the person and how they answer the other questions will find out which age group and gender prefer Melodrama films which is the genre of our film. If a person's favourite film genre is not Melodrama but they say they would still go to the cinema to see a Melodrama film then they could still be classed as our target audience. One of the questions asked is what the person thinks is a good film opening, which will give us additional for our film opening to ensure it will capture the viewers attention and be the best it can be.
This is our Questionnaire:
Sample of results and analysis to our questionnaire
We asked a total of 60 people, 10 of each age category. 5 Male and 5 Female of each.
What is your favourite film genre?
The results of this question show that Romantic Comedy was the most popular film genre. However Melodrama is still quite popular. It is clear that the most popular gender who favour Melodrama is Female. And the most popular age group is 41-50, and the least popular gender is Under 16's.
Would you go to the cinema to see a Melodrama?

The results of this question show that the majority of females would go to see a Melodrama film, not as many males would but still a very large proportion of the men asked. This suggests that Melodrama is favoured more by females as it is more emotional. The most popular age groups that said they would go to the cinema to see a Melodrama film was between the ages of 21-50, although all the age categories had a high amount of people saying yes. The lowest category was Under 16's which could be due to them preferring cartoons and fantasy films.
Describe what you think is a good film opening?
Sample of results:
- "The best film openings are the ones that build up tension, the ones that will you leave you wondering what is going to happen next." Male aged 28
- "When watching a film I like to see flashbacks, I enjoy watching a film opening which is a little confusing, then will become clearer throughout the film." Male aged 45
- "A good film opening is one that will capture my attention, it has to be interesting and make me want to watch more. It has to have good music as well." Female aged 31
- "I like happy film openings that set a good positive vibe. I'm not much of an action-film lover but I love a good romantic comedy." Female aged 52
- "I like film openings that are funny and will make me want to watch more." Female aged 15
These results show that people have a very different taste of film openings. A popular choice was one that will make the viewer want to watch more and may be a little confusing but will build up tension at the same time. This suggests that my film opening needs to be really interesting and capture the viewers attention as soon as it begins.
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